Sweet Home Crews Respond to a Vehicle That Crashed into Foster Lake

Sweet Home Fire Dist.

At 5:13 pm this evening Sweet Home Fire was dispatched for a report of a vehicle into the water off of the Foster Dam. Bystanders reported that they witnessed the crash and did not see any occupants escape the vehicle. A Sweet Home ambulance crew was the first to arrive at the scene along with Officers from Sweet Home Police Department. One firefighter and one officer went over the bank to the scene where bystanders were in the water over top of the vehicle attempting to reach it and searching for any occupants. The firefighter entered the water and with the use of an SCBA made continuous attempts to access the inside of the vehicle, which was submerged in an estimated 6 feet of water, to search for the occupants. A Linn County Sheriff's Office boat, which was already on Foster Lake at the time of the incident, arrived on scene and supported rescue efforts. Sweet Home Fire crews arrived with a second boat, a second ambulance, and an Incident Commander. Attempts to locate any occupants of the vehicle were unsuccessful. The rescue operations were terminated after approximately 45 minutes of searching, and the scene was turned over to the Linn County Sheriff's Office who were awaiting their dive team's arrival. At this time it is suspected that the driver was the only occupant. Linn County Sheriff's Office will be handling the investigation. No other details are available at this time.

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