Airplane Crashes into the Rogue River
Josephine Co. Sheriff's Office
On Tuesday, May 31, 2022, at approximately 9:30 AM, the Sheriff’s Office received a report of an airplane that crashed into the Rogue River near Ennis Riffle. Deputies responded as well as personnel from Rural Metro Fire Department.
Upon arrival, it was learned that the pilot and passenger in the aircraft were able to exit the aircraft without injury. A local rafting outfitter, OARS, was performing water rescue training in the area and were able to pick up the pilot and passenger who were across the river from Galice Road.
Upon speaking to the pilot, Deputies learned that engine failure occurred around Hellgate Canyon and the plane glided to smooth waters above Ennis Riffle where a safe water landing was executed. No injuries were noted to the pilot or the passenger.
The FAA and NTSB have been contacted for follow up investigation in this matter.
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