On-line Sex Offense Investigation

Grants Pass Dept. of Public Safety

Grants Pass Detectives had been investigating Christopher Nettifee over the last few weeks regarding complaints that Christopher was contacting juvenile females on-line. The subsequent investigation revealed that Christopher was sending graphic  photographs of himself to a juvenile female. Christopher was also requesting nude photographs from the juvenile female in return. Christopher was arrested and lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the above listed charges.

The Grants Pass Department of Public Safety would like to remind parents to become familiar with the different social media sites and apps their children are using.  For parents interested in seeking out information related to these sites and apps, you can find information on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's Website. Newsweek also recently published an article titled, 15 APPS DANGEROUS FOR CHILDREN. Below are the links to both sites.  

Christopher Robert Nettifee 46yo male

Attempted Use of Child in Display and Online Sexual Corruption of a Child II
