Assault 2 / Assault 3- Stabbing

Grants Pass Dept. of Public Safety

On Saturday, April 20th, 2019 at approximately 8:10pm, Officers from the Grants Pass Department of Public Safety, responded to 1327 NE Evans Street for a reported stabbing.  Officers located a 17 year old victim with non-life threatening injuries.  GPDPS Fire/Rescue responded and provided medical attention to the victim. American Medical Response transported the victim to Three Rivers Medical Center where he was treated and released.  

The investigation revealed the assault was related to an interaction the victim had with a female juvenile known to the victim . The four arrested males confronted the victim over this interaction at the Evans St. address.  The victim was assaulted by the four male juveniles.  During the assault, One of the juveniles stabbed the victim in the back with a box cutter.  The juveniles fled the scene, but were located hours later.  The listed male juveniles were located, interviewed and all four were lodged at the Josephine County Juvenile Justice Center. 
WMJ, 17 years old

Two non life threatening stab wounds to the back. 

17 years old
Grants Pass Resident

Assault 2, Assault 3

14 year old, WMJ
Grants Pass Resident

Assault 3, Runaway Juvenile

15 year old, WMJ
Grants Pass Resident

Assault 3

15 year old, WMJ
Grants Pass Resident

Assault 3


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