Roseburg Police Dept
January 17th, 2019 

On Wednesday, January 17th, 2019 at 11:46 A.M. The Roseburg Police Department received threats regarding a possible shooting that was threatened to occur at JoLane Middle School.  The report came from several juveniles that attend JoLane.  

Those juveniles reported contact with 3 people not associated with the school, on the JoLane track just south of the school.  At least one of the juveniles reported the 3 people, a female and two males, were armed with a handgun and "assault rifles" and that the group said they were going to come back and, "shoot up the school".

Numerous Officers from Roseburg Police Department, Douglas County Sheriff's Office, and Oregon State Police canvassed the area and the school was placed on lockdown at 11:56 A.M.  Geneva Academy, which is across the street from JoLane, also placed their students on lockdown a short time later.  Officers continued to canvas the area, search the school, and interview potential witnesses.  During this ongoing investigation it was revealed that the original report was false, and the threats did not occur, nor were there any firearms seen.  Just after 1:00 P.M. both schools removed their lockdown and the schools resumed normal activities.

This investigation is ongoing.
